An Asian pear of exceptionally high quality.
This tree is vigorous, willowy, and spreading. Like most Asian pears it is susceptible to fireblight and pseudomonas, but it does have some resistance to scab and alternaria. Hosui is partially self-fertile, but it will produce better crops when paired with a pollenizer. Thinning is necessary to maintain fruit size and annual bearing, and to prevent breakage caused by overcropping.
Hosui ("Copious Juice") is probably the best of our Asian pears. The early-midseason fruit is largish, round, golden russet, and copiously speckled with lenticels. The creamy flesh is delicate, crisp, and juicy, with a hint of snappy acid complexity that is unusual in Asian pears. This pear will not store for more than four weeks, but it doesn't matter; they are addictive and will get eaten fast.
This variety was introduced from Japan in the 1970s. It is a cross of (Kikusui x Yakumo) and Yakumo.
Propagated Rootstocks: Betulaefolia