Dolgo Crab- bare root heirloom apple tree

Dolgo Crab- bare root heirloom apple tree
  • Dolgo Crab- bare root heirloom apple tree
  • Dolgo Crab- bare root heirloom apple tree

These tangy crabapples came from Kazakhstan several hundred years ago. With an intense, zesty flavor similar to cranberries, their best use is in sauces, sorbets, chutney or as a condiment for meat or poultry. They make a beautiful rose-colored jelly. Dolgos have become very popular for hard cider. During harvest the crew will often suck on Dolgos for an energy boost to help finish filling that last apple bin late in the day. These apples are small in size with a cranberry red colored skin.

  • Harvest in late August
  • Flowering group 2, recommended pollination partners include Blue Pearmain, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Duchess of Oldenburg, Golden Russet, Hudson’s Golden Gem, Newtown Pippin and more
  • Rootstock M7

    $ 60.00
    Scott Farm Orchard