Belle de Boskoop - bare root heirloom apple tree

Belle de Boskoop - bare root heirloom apple tree
  • Belle de Boskoop - bare root heirloom apple tree
  • Belle de Boskoop - bare root heirloom apple tree

This apple is originally from the Netherlands and has a tart, sprightly flavor. It is a superb cooking apple and comes highly recommended for making authentic strudel; this apple is a great fit for baking and cider making as it has tart taste with high acid content. Boskoops picked later in the fall are much sweeter and are excellent for fresh use; they also sweeten in storage. Very large apple greenish-orange, lightly russeted skin with a white-green flesh. Harvest in late September.

  • Harvest late September
  • Flowering group 2, recommended pollination partners include Blue Pearmain, Cox's Orange Pippin, Duchess of Oldenburg, Golden Russet, Hudson's Golden Gem, Newtown Pippin and more
  • Rootstock M7

$ 60.00
Scott Farm Orchard