Baldwin - bare root heirloom apple tree

Baldwin - bare root heirloom apple tree
  • Baldwin - bare root heirloom apple tree
  • Baldwin - bare root heirloom apple tree
  • Baldwin - bare root heirloom apple tree

Deep red apple originally from Massachusetts in the early 1700s. It is a hard apple, sometimes referred to as the woodpecker. It has the quintessential apple flavor, and was one of New England’s most popular variety until a hard frost almost wiped out the entire species in 1934. Used widely for cider and pies, as the hardness of the apple allows it to retain more character when it’s baked. Medium to large, flesh is firm to course. Thick skin makes it good for keeping.

  • Ripens mid-October
  • Biennial
  • Disease and insect resistant
  • Flowering group 4, recommended pollination partners are Black Oxford, Blue Pearmain, Calville Blanc, Cox's Orange Pippin, Honeycrisp, and more
  • Rootstock is M7

$ 60.00
Scott Farm Orchard